Friday, October 18, 2013

Life Goes On

"In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life.  It goes on.”  --Robert Frost

I could not agree more with that statement.  No matter what happens today, whether I see tomorrow or not, life will go on.  What happened yesterday is already a memory.  What happened last week is history.  What matters most is this moment.

It’s true, life passes much too quickly.  One day you’re ten years old, fighting with your brother over how much of the bedroom belongs to you; and then you wake up and you’re 41 years old.  Now you fight with your teenager over cleaning his room.

I catch myself quite frequently thinking, “what happened to me, when did I become a responsible adult and how did I allow this to happen to me?“  I look in the mirror and I know that I have changed.  There’s a reason I color my hair, I have spots on my face that did not use to be there and are those wrinkles, surely not; but on the inside I still feel pretty young.  I couldn't possibly be more than 27, 29 tops.  What’s in a number anyway, right?

“Hurry” is a big problem in my life.  I’m always in such a hurry to do something or get somewhere, that I don’t enjoy the journey.  I’m trying really hard to figure out how to slow down and breathe in the experience, stress less, laugh more…carpe diem.

Truly, if I haven’t enjoyed today and it all ends tonight, then haven’t I lost everything?  That may be a little over the top, but you know what I mean.  We don’t get a redo of today or yesterday.  This moment, right now, is all we really have.

I encourage you to enjoy this moment.  Bathe your days in prayer, laugh, be kind and enjoy your family and friends.  Choose to let go of worry and anger.  These are the things that matter!