Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Feeling My Age

Do you ever feel like you're falling apart?  Not necessarily spiritually, although that can become a factor, but physically?  Maybe like your power cord has been unplugged from it's power source?

Last year when I went for my annual check-up with the doctor I found out that I had a lot of issues. My blood pressure was a little high, my cholesterol was a little high, I was anemic, my vitamin D had bottomed out and my thyroid, for which I have taken medication for hypothyroidism for 13 years, was all out of whack!

I took iron, vitamin D, saw a specialist for the thyroid, had my medication changed twice, and promised I was working on this weight issue to get my blood pressure and cholesterol in check.

Fast forward a year:  I'm back at the doctor for another annual check-up.  Again, I have a laundry list of issues.  Most of them, the same issues.  I have lost a little weight, but not near enough to make a difference.

I have been blaming myself for being so tired all the time.  I thought maybe I was just lazy.  But when you find out you're anemic, your vitamin D is once again bottomed out and your thyroid is once again completely out of whack; you realize it's not all your fault.  There's a real reason for the lethargy.  It's not all in your head.  Thank God!

The one thing I can't understand is how a person with all these issues that drain energy can still be an insomniac.  That's a mystery I will never comprehend.

I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the doctor's appointments I have coming my way.  I had an appointment today, two next week and one in February for my first mammogram - yikes!  I will have another one, to be determined, in the middle of all of this for a simple, in office procedure that I'm not looking forward to, but it's really not supposed to be a big deal.  Regardless of how trivial it all sounds, I'm dreading it all so bad and will just be so glad when it's all over.

Now, having said all that, I realize that at my age, it will never just be over.  It's just the beginning and it sucks!  Pardon my bluntness!

On an up-note, I have lost 7 1/2 pounds in the past two weeks and I am determined to lose this weight and get myself healthy.  I haven't been able to exercise, because I have had the worst head/chest cold I have had in a very long time for going on three weeks.  But as soon as I'm over this mess I will be getting my butt in gear.

I don't know why I feel compelled to share this with you all.  Maybe someone else out there is going through something similar and maybe my sharing will help you to not feel so alone.  Maybe I just needed to vent and get it off my chest.

One thing I do know for sure is that God will be with me through it all.  He has never and will never leave my side.  Even at my most overwhelming moments, I know He's there.

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